What Is Your Down-Time Worth?
Down-time costs occur during cleaning, routine maintenance, set-up and more critically, in equipment failure. To help processors decrease these costs, Quadro, the pioneer in the field of conical screen milling, was the first to develop the inline Underdriven Mill in 1985 and to bring the technology to market in 1990. Over the years, Quadro mills have become synonymous with high- quality and lasting durability. The Quadro® Comil® Underdriven Mill is the most flexible milling equipment available on the market today, enabling processors to work inline for continuous processing and to reduce floor space requirements. The Quadro® Comil® Underdriven Mill can easily be moved in/out of the process stream with minimal downtime. Quadro® Underdriven Comil®'s feature:
- Minimal parts in contact area = decreased cleaning and maintenance costs.
- No special cages, screen rings, locating tabs = decreased maintenance costs and equipment failures.
- No impeller adjustments to achieve optimum gap distance = decreased set-up, maintenance and equipment failure costs.
- The largest selection of tooling and screen options available on the market today = solutions to meet your particular processing needs.
- Proven, sturdy gearbox design engineered to withstand the operating loadings and stresses = decreased equipment failure costs
And with more than 1000 successful installations of the Quadro® Underdriven Comil® worldwide, you get peace of mind.
SOURCE: Quadro Engineering Corp.