Checkweighers For Large Cases, Bags And Packages

The Thermo Scientific Frame 44HB ("Box-weigher" in Europe) weighframe is designed to provide dependable and accurate on-line weighing of cases, bags, and large packages up to 110 lb. (50 kg).
The Thermo Scientific Frame 44HB ("Box-weigher" in Europe) weighframe is designed to provide dependable and accurate on-line weighing of cases, bags, and large packages up to 110 lb. (50 kg).
Thermo Scientific offers a complete line of checkweighing equipment for efficient product inspection to protect your brand and ensure safety and quality to customers.
The tough and sturdy construction of this frame makes it ideally suited for rugged industrial environments. Standard units are capable of handling line rates of up to 100 packages per minute (i.e., 300 FPM) depending on package length. Excels at accurate weighing at the highest speeds with the largest range of package dimensions; weightable lengths up to 96 in. and speeds to 550 ft./min. position
- Includes microprocessor-based electronic control and heavy duty weighframe
- Rugged design of the weighframe ensures reliability and maintenance-free operation
- Weightable is virtually damage proof with overload protection up to 1000 lb.
Available with Versa controller. The AC4000WH delivers highly intuitive and easy-to-use controls. Weight data output can be configured into a variety of industry standard formats and optionally integrated with a cubing/dimensioning system for a total shipping inspection solution.