
Cross-Contamination Training Video

Source: Silliker, Inc.
"Avoiding Microbial Cross-Contamination" teaches food plant workers how to prevent the transfer of harmful microorganisms to finished products.
"Avoiding Microbial Cross-Contamination" teaches food plant workers how to prevent the transfer of harmful microorganisms to finished products. During a typical work day, the video illustrates how microorganisms can be passed on to finished products by improper employee traffic patterns, equipment, unsanitized tools, poor personal hygiene, and more. According to the Centers for Disease Control, poor personal hygiene of food workers is one of the leading reported practices contributing to foodborne disease outbreaks.

The video, which is available in English and Spanish, provides an overview of the origin of microorganisms, how microorganisms enter the plant environment, and the threat microbial cross-contamination poses to food safety. Food industry recognized GMP principles are used throughout the video to teach employees how to prevent common and sometimes costly cross-contamination occurrences.

Used alone or in conjunction with other GMP training materials, the video is a cost-effective and practical tool to train staff. It is the fifth installment in company's GMP training series. Complementary videos in the series include: "Food for Thought – The GMP Quiz Show", "Employee Hygiene Practices", "Guidelines for Maintenance Personnel" and "Process Control Practices". All five are available in English and Spanish and include a free facilitator's training guide.

Silliker, Inc., 900 Maple Road, Homewood, IL 60430. Tel: 708-957-7878; Fax: 708-957-8449.