
Microbial Challenge Studies

Source: Microbac Laboratories, Inc.
We conduct microbial challenge studies by inoculating food ingredients and finished products with specific microorganisms to determine the fate of these microorganisms under specified conditions
We conduct microbial challenge studies by inoculating food ingredients and finished products with specific microorganisms to determine the fate of these microorganisms under specified conditions. Challenge studies are key to evaluating risks associated with new product introductions as well as wherever product formulation, processing, handling and distribution changes are made.

For more information about Microbac's current services to the food processing industry please contact Microbac's National Food Safety Group at 1-800-635-0595.

Microbac Laboratories, Inc., 4580 McKnight Road, Pittsburgh, PA 15237. Tel: 412-931-5851; Fax: 412-931-0473.